- The Lenox School Archive
Includes everything listed below: - Lenox School Video
- Memorabilia Displays
- Yearbook Archive
- Original Pen and Scroll Archive
- Historical Documents


The Centennial Legacy Campaign was launched at the 2021 Reunion with the goal of perpetuating the culture embodied in our school motto, “To serve, not to be served.”
How to Gift and More Information
Quo Vadis Project
Of Interest:
- Some photos of the 2023 reunion HERE – includes some videos that some browsers may not be able to play. But if you can, THIS video with Roger Hoefer’s acceptance to the Hall of Fame is precious. Also recently a few of us got together for a few hours of skiing in New Hampshire. Check it out.
- Nol Putnam’s Legacy in Iron This links to exerpts from “Anvil’s Ring”, Journal of the Artist-Blacksmith’s Association of North America Fall 2023 issue with some stories and a tribute to Lenox student and much loved master by his neice Katherine L. Putnam Bennett
- As of November 13, 2023, more than 40 donors have contributed $270,629 to the Legacy Fund. Read more about the Fund HERE and the latest Pen & Scroll will always have updates on the the Fund.